Dabble Of the Day 7/9: A Quick Rant Inspired by TFIOS

So I’m reading a book for my creative writing class but thinking about The Fault In Our Stars at the same time, and just wondering about Hazel’s favorite book and Anna and how it never ended and how it would’ve been so cool if John Green had ended the book like that, just ended one of the sentences in Augustus’ letter to show that he died. And then I was thinking, what if I wrote a book or if someone wrote a book and then ripped out the last few pages or the last page of said book but told the readers nothing, so people everywhere would just be confused and left without the ending of the book and wouldn’t that just be so cruel but then a few months after it’s released and when everyone’s forgotten about it, the author could go on a book tour and just give out copies of the ending so you suddenly feel this immense weight being lifted off your shoulders and everything would make sense because of those four pages.

Sorry for the little quick thought.

Okay, back to studying now.


What Blogging Is About: Dameannika 2.0

I’ve been trying to hack the secrets of WordPress and blogging ever since I started this blog back in May.

I wanted to know how to get people to read my posts , how to gain followers, how to become a known name on the internet. I wrote things that I thought people would like to read or hear, refrained from making a post too long because then people wouldn’t want to read it, commented on other people’s blogs in hope that they’d come over and take a look at mine.

And then I realized, that’s stupid. Annika, why did you even create a blog in the first place?

I now realize that my mindset was to become known, to become famous, to write viral posts. And that was the wrong mindset to have. Even if I did create dameannika for the purpose of getting my thoughts out into the world, which I did, there was always this nagging voice at the back of my head asking, “Would people actually read this? What can I do so more people will look at it?”

I’m deciding to change that. I will not be a fake blogger, I will not write posts in order to gain followers or likes or comments. I won’t care if someone doesn’t like my content or me or whatever, because it’s not meant to please everyone. I’ll just write because I do honestly love to write and if anyone happens to stumble upon my blog in the meantime, then welcome.

I am Annika, and this is the new dameannika, a person who writes to write.

